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Posted by on Jan 11, 2015 |

Golden Globes 2015 – Dakota Johnson

Dakota Johnson (50 Shades of Grey) by Mark Townsend– Get the Look!

“For the Golden Globes, I wanted to give Dakota Johnson effortless texture with a bit of volume and lift.

· To create this sexy and bendy look, I added four to five drops of Dove Pure Care Dry Oil Nourishing Treatment to her damp hair.

· Next, I added Dove Oxygen Moisture Root Lift Spray to her roots before blowing out her hair with a large round brush.

· In order to get a unique and imperfect wave, I alternated between a double barrel R Session tool iron and a 1-inch curling iron on 4-inch sections.

· To top it off, I used R+Co Death Valley Dry Shampoo to get that piecey texture.

· Finally, for extra shine and piecey-ness I ran a dime size amount of the new Dove Quench Absolute Supreme Crème Serum through her waves.”

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