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Posted by on Oct 27, 2014 |

Last Class for 2014 – Crystal Culture, Bling It On! Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE/ILLINOIS/INDIANA – last class for 2014

*Please share* for nail techs looking to get experienced in Swarovski crystal work, perfect their form and learn new artwork, and marketing/retail skills

To reserve your spot please confirm attendance and make your payment at this link. http://mkt.com/hillaryfry/bling-it-on-milwaukee

Professional Nail Techs (please share):

Have you experienced frustration in making your crystals stay, or look right, in your nail designs?

Have you been confused in how to incorporate quick, but attractive designs into your salon appointments?

Do you need help in understanding the right price points for your design and crystal work?

This is the class for you.

Come perfect your application and learn:

Form and application! – large crystals, down to ss3
Nail art! – both free form and pre-designed kits
Retailing! – how to price point correctly and market

In addition, you will become certified by Swarovski Crystal Culture. You will receive genuine Swarovski nail kits and tools and training to expertly create this high end nail art. Crystal Culture certification is given at the end of your session.

Your class will be taught by Crystal Culture Stylist Hillary Fry: Fashion Week veteran, award winning nail artist and frequent contributor as nail/beauty expert.

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