It’s On! – Things to Remember about this Groupon Experience
Thanks for a great Groupon run and I’m excited to be seeing all of the new faces! A few things to remember:
1) Your Groupon is good for one (1) year
It’s the holidays – an especially busy time of year. Please register early at or use the “Schedule Now” on the Facebook fan page and look at available dates. All scheduling originates with so you’ll need to be registered. Unfortunately I am unable to answer the phones during services. Schedulicity has been very well received, and leaves you free to schedule 24/7.
2) You can get on a cancellation list
If you don’t immediately see the date you are looking for, don’t panic! People have to reschedule all of the time. Register, search for a backup date and make a notation for the dates & times you prefer. Most have been accommodated, but remember – you also have an entire year to use it.
3) You are getting authentic CND Shellac
Named one of America’s Hottest Brands, this is a high shine power polish that doesn’t require any filing of the nail bed for application or any filing for removal. As a CND educator and beauty blogger, I’ll be able to share different color options as we create the best look for you.
Happy Holidays!