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Posted by on Oct 24, 2009 | 3 comments

Hey, Bright Eyes – LED Eyelashes Give New Meaning to Term


Considered the windows to the soul, people are forever looking for ways to widen and brighten up their eye area. In Korean culture, women are often scheduled for eyelid surgery as soon as they are old enough for approval. But when surgery and cosmetics aren’t enough, it could be time to turn to LED eyelashes.

Artist Soomi Park developed this project based on Big Eyes Fetish, and believes LED lights help to widen the eye area through light and movement. A wired sensor “works with the movements of the pupil in the eyes and eyelids.” Lights flicker when the head moves.

Only for clubbing or would you dare wear this elsewhere? And does it really do the intended?

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  1. Jenn Turner - I need to check @solessence's site more often (just added to reader). LED Lashes for the *brightest* eyes http://bit.ly/2inbpi [Original…

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