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Posted by on Oct 21, 2009 | 9 comments

Brew City Beauty: Anne Munkwitz of FitMilwaukee.com pt 1

Gorgeous people – Milwaukee is full of them! I’ll be highlighting a Brew City Beauty each month in this new feature. Our first time out of the gate features a double whammy: Anne Munkwitz and Tracey Gessner have formed FitMilwaukee, an online resource for helping Milwaukee stay active. Part 1 focuses on Milwaukee native Anne, who has spent the last year transforming her pretty self from a size 12/14 to a size 2/4. Along with her outer beauty, she has a killer comedic sense she uses to keep everyone entertained. Read this quick Q&A to find out what makes her tick and how she stays beautiful in Milwaukee.

Were you born and raised in Wisconsin? How long have you been in the Milwaukee area?

I have lived in the Milwaukee area my whole life.

What do you do?

I do Product Development for Diamond Nexus Labs, a Franklin-based company that specializes in lab-created precious gemstone jewelry. I basically get to play with all the pretty, shiny stuff. It’s fun!

Marital Status?

Not married, but madly in love with my significant other!

What does Milwaukee mean to you?

I like to think of Milwaukee as “Smallwaukee”. It has the small town feel with all the benefits of the big city. It’s no NYC but I think people are surprised when they see how fun and hip the city really is. I love the community spirit here. There is an amazing wealth of young, talented entrepreneurs and professionals that make things happen here. Oh, and everywhere I go is filled with beautiful people.

What does beauty mean to you?

I think beauty is an attitude. It’s about being happy. I try to smile as much as I can and laugh and share joy and compliments with others.

Discuss how FitMilwaukee.com came into play and your role?

anne_marathonFitMilwaukee started because Tracey (Gessner) and I wanted a way to focus on fitness within Milwaukee specifically. We share a lot of our fitness ideas and workouts on Twitter, and people are always interested in what we’re doing and how. They are inspired by our stories. FitMilwaukee is a place to motivate each other to keep up the good work, and highlight ways of doing that specifically in our city.

What makes you feel beautiful?
To me it’s all about confidence. I lost a significant amount of weight this year and gained loads of confidence. It was about my physical appearance as well as in my knowledge that I can do whatever I set my mind to (I ran my first marathon!). With my new attitude I have been more social and outgoing, met new people, and taken on new challenges that I never thought possible. I definitely feel confident and beautiful because of that.

Name a favorite Milwaukee spot?

I love being outdoors in the summertime, specifically along the Oak Leaf Trail. Starting out at South Shore park and all the way down into St Francis, Cudahy, South Milwaukee… it just feels good to be out in the fresh air near our gorgeous lakefront.

Where do you get beautified in MKE?

I get facials at Actaea in Bay View. I see Susan, and she’s amazing and gentle and the products she uses and recommends have really helped my skin. I have my hair done by Beth at Legacy Salon and DaySpa in Hales Corners — she does my sister’s hair too, and it always turns out amazing! And for manis and pedis I go to Nail Spa on Layton Ave. It’s cheap and they always take good care of me!


Congrats on all of your hard work paying off Anne!  Question or comment for her? You can leave it here in the comments, and don’t forget to visit www.FitMilwaukee.com

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  4. Fit Milwaukee - Brew City Beauty profile of @bananza on solessence.com! http://tinyurl.com/yz37dus #fitmke [Original tweet, Topsy page]
  5. solessence - http://bit.ly/2r4GZv Solessence introduces BrewCityBeauty featuring Anne Munkwitz (pt 1) and Tracey Gessner (pt 2) @bananza and @tmgessner [Original tweet, Topsy…
  6. hillary fry - http://bit.ly/2r4GZv Solessence introduces BrewCityBeauty featuring Anne Munkwitz (pt 1) and Tracey Gessner (pt 2) @bananza and @tmgessner [Original tweet, Topsy…
  7. solessence - http://bit.ly/2r4GZv Solessence introduces BrewCityBeauty featuring Anne Munkwitz (pt 1) and Tracey Gessner (pt 2) @bananza and @tmgessner [Original tweet, Topsy…

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