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Posted by on Aug 5, 2009 | 0 comments

Meeting Tim Gunn (yummy!)

One of the biggest highlights of BlogHer was meeting Tim Gunn of Project Runway. My intro to meeting him went something like this:

TG:That is a fabulous cardigan! (Fingering it) What’s the label?
S: (Crap! Who is it by? No offense Target, but I hope I’m not wearing Merona today) Thank you. I can’t remember.
TG: Do you mind if I look?
S: (breaking a sweat – I think I remember getting this at Macy*s. Boston Store?)
And with that he went to my side and stuck his hand down my back while he fished around for the tag.
TG: Laura Ashley!
S: Not a floral to be found on it.
TG: And that’s a good thing.

I think those commercials with Martha Stewart are influencing him.

But aside from being a total label wh0re, WYSIWYG. This impeccably dressed man is exactly as portrayed on TV. Tall & handsome, he almost looks like a work of art. He is so congenial too.

I asked him how he happened into the field of fashion, and he said,

“I actually thought I was going to be many other things when I grew up.”

He went through quite a list of jobs, but dreaming of being a pianist and architect came up multiple times. Isn’t it funny how life can bring us around to doing things we’d never dreamed of? He just seems so perfect as a spokesperson.

Yes, these are actually Tim Gunn trading cards this woman’s husband made for her. And Tim signed them.

Mr. Gunn’s appearance was made possible by Tide®, but the all® fairies (competition) took advantage and were spotted handing out samples of product and chocolate stars.

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