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Posted by on Aug 15, 2008 | 2 comments

An Experiment in Purse sizes

Recently you gave advice to go for the big purse look. Here it goes, be kind:

I am having trouble getting over the fact that it looks like an oversized coin purse. I don’t know why I didn’t notice that before. It is a Big Buddah, and I can basically carry a laptop if it was more reinforced.

Here is my favorite size, and purse, of all time: Elliott Lucca

So, big purse veterans…what do you think? What are some of your favs?

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  1. how do you get ideas for your content? because i find your content very engaging everytime i visit your blog.

  2. I love big purses too! My current favorites is the Anya Hindmarch Beverly from last season. Fits a lot of stuff and is so stylish though I always to remember not to put more than I can carry!

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